Saturday Night Shelfie

More boxes arrived this week from our latest move, many of them filled with books. Since we’re only at a temporary stop, most of my beloved books are staying in their boxes for a bit. But here’s a peek at the few of my favorite comfort books I’ve kept out:

A Corner of White and Indigo’s Star are my solid favorites for when I just need a good read, and The Fog Diver is always good for a lighthearted adventure. The Cursed Child is only up there because it came out after we had packed up all our other books. Ganz okay, but it’s only a screenplay, after all. 

If you could only keep a few of your books at hand, which would you pick? 

4 thoughts on “Saturday Night Shelfie

  1. Oh, man. Soo many choices! I think if I had to pick phyical books (so many are on my iPad now just because 🙂 ), my Calvin and Hobbes collections would be top of the list (who doesn’t like a little mischievous boy and his pet tiger?). There’s a few others: Anne McCaffery’s Dragonriders of Pern books (because they were my first loves in fantasy), the books by my writing sisters (to remind me of them), and maybe Donald Maass’ writing books (to remind me to sit my butt down and read them). Good luck with the rest of your move, Em!


  2. Oh boy… that’s hard to narrow down. Definitely the Anne of Green Gables series. L.M. Montgomery is a hero of mine. Hmm… a lovely little book called Stone Alliance. Maybe you’ve heard of it?

    I’d also definitely need Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. I adore her. Really, any of her books would do, but this one is my fave of hers. A couple of my writing how-to books, especially by James Scott Bell. The paranormal RomComs by Kristen Painter, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (my FAVORITE assigned reading book ever), Brian Selznick’s mixed-media books, and Beastly Bones by William Ritter. I haven’t finished Ghostly Echoes yet, so maybe I’d replace it with that one, but I can’t say.

    Is that too many books to name? I’m positive I’m leaving out some other great ones, but those are definitely at the top.


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